Brian ja Kingsley hyvillä mielin kotiin


Brian Egwuatun merkitys miesten otteluiden viihdearvolle on kiistaton.

Miesten edustusjoukkueen Texas-vahvistukset Brian Egwuatu ja Kingsley Oguchi kyyditettiin aikaisin keskiviikkoaamuna Helsinki-Vantaan lentokentälle, josta kaverukset lensivät takaisin kotikaupunkiinsa Houstoniin.

Lähtöä edeltäneen illan tunnelmia Brianin omin sanoin:

First of all, I would like to thank God and all of the people who made it possible for me to come to Finland and play. With this being my first time living and experiencing life outside of the United States, I was a bit nervous coming in. Coming to Finland, a country I have heard very little about, the only thing I knew to expect was the cold weather, and that, I got. My teammates, coach, team managers, friends, and supporters of the Keravan Energia Team, has made this a very enjoyable experience for me. Thanks to them I not only had the chance to play basketball at a high level, but have fun and learn new things as well. In the six months that I have spent in Finland, I learned many things, and met many people that will not be forgotten.

I knew it was going to be a huge adjustment when I arrived, but thanks to the good people I was surrounded by, it was very simple and pleasurable. These people made me feel as if I were not too far from home and I quickly became comfortable. Playing at Kilta was also great. The fan support and the total atmosphere was amazing. I always looked forward to playing in front of the home crowd and greatly appreciated the level of continued support they provided.

As for the junior basketball team, I also loved being involved. I appreciate the opportunity you guys gave me to share some of my basketball thoughts with you and assist in helping you to improve your abilities. I do have one more bit of advice for you. Make up your mind on how you want to be successful, once you do that, keep God first and don't let any thing or any person stop you from doing so. Stay motivated and faithful and you will achieve your goal.

Once again thank you for all that you have done for me, and wherever my next stop is, will have a lot to live up to in order to even measure up to all the great things Finland has done for me.


Brian Egwuatu

Kingsley Oguchi ehti pelaamaan seitsemän ottelua, joista Kerava voitti neljä.
Seuran Puheenjohtaja Markus Virtanen ja Brian Egwuatu syyskuussa 2009.